For those who want knowledge you shall have it for those who want wisdom you shall have to search for it.

"Egürhan Ratlas"

Your health is your most valuable asset that's why with Atlas-Coaching we work to get our clients the best services regarding training, nutritional advice and more.

Challenge yourself, you are your only competitor, and we will motivate you to get there.


By applying science to your work-out we guarantee the best results.

Strength is important for athletes / recreational sportsmen.

We emphasis not only on physical strength but try to build resilience with our customers


By applying science to your work-out we guarrantee the best results

The right nutrional advice is a most if a person want's to function at their highest level.


By applying science to your work-out we guarrantee the best results.

Endurance has an important role for our cardiovascular system in order to get oxygen and the blood flowing.

We will accompagny you in your challenge to better your cardiovascular capacity


By applying sciente to your work-out we guarrantee the best results.

Flexibility is a key component of our posture, it courdinates the muscles and prevents injuries.

We emphatise not only physical flexibility but we try to push our clients to have a flexibile mindset regarding their current situation.

Personnal trainer

Passionate about fitness, certified PT.

Having being introduced to the world of sports starting at a young age because of my father Ratlas Timur being a professional ballet dancer, he taught me that discipline is a key factor to everyone's success.

My father been successful in his passion has been a driver for me to pursue a better version of myself.

Having done all kinds of sports, from boxing to fencing, I ended in the weight room where i wanted to learn how far the human body can be pushed naturally. By that time I was 21 years old, and I have had the opportunity to meet an ex professional sprinter A.M. who showed me the way and ignited my curiosty of how macro- and micronutrients in combination with the right amount of exercise could literally change your body.

I continued to acquiring knowledge by myself and quickly people started asking for advice.

At last, I have had the opportunity to work for Fit20 who's concept started in the Netherlands, where I had the opportunity to meet a mentor G.M., a personal trainer C.T. with a specialization in body mecanics and sports teacher D.M. they took me under their wing and taught me about the personal trainer industry.

Now I am at your service in order to bring the best version out of yourself may this be physical or mental together we will push forward.


Personal training rates

At the gym coaching:

€ 400/ 13 session's

€ 500/ 20 session's

By choosing for coaching at the gym, the personal trainer will follow you from the start till finish, this formula includes a personalized nutrition program.

We will focus on your needs and acquire changes if necessary in the workout to work also on correction of poor posture, poor breathing etc.

Online coaching:

€ 50/month.

By choosing for online coaching, we offer a complete follow up during

12 weeks where you tell us what you expect from yourself and we will give you the tools "personnalised Diet + Workout plan" with a once week appointement via zoom and unlimitted whatsapp chats.

At your place / outside:

€ 380 / 13 session's 

By choosing for coaching at your place, we will train you at your home with a minimum of accessoiries and workout